Friday, 7 October 2011

Pumpkin Pie Paralyzers

Nothing says "Thank You" like a nice smooth paralyzer! And this Thanksgiving we've got the drink for you.  We are pretty sure you will thank us for it.

5 star rating - this is delicious

1 oz Kahlua
1 oz Caramel Baileys
1/2 oz Goldschlager
a dash of Pumpkin Pie Spice

Thank goodness for Fridays.  Thank goodness for long weekends. Thank goodness for kick ass neighbors that pour you Pumpkin Pie Paralyzers. Thank you for second helpings. Thank you Randy, for keeping your pants on. 

We hope you enjoy this pumpkin pie in a glass on this wonderful long weekend.   

Cheers to you and everyone you love, spit on the rest. 

What are you thankful for?

This blog is rated PG!!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Chocolate Macaroon

Summer has been B-U-S-Y, and apparently we are spending too much time away from home and not enough time trying out new drinks to share with you.   When we are home, it seems we are so busy chasing Wasps (pronounced Wasp-ps-ps) that if we do get time to make a drink, we can't seem to find the time to blog about it.    

So here it is, the Coconut Macaroon.  Enjoy it, and drink three - one for you and one for each of us :)

1.5 ounces of UV Coconut
.5 ounce of Kahlua
chocolate milk

UV says their "coconut has run ashore.  Blown in from the tropics by a fresh breeze, it's the perfect accompaniment to lounging poolside with your crew." And summer is/was the perfect time to lounge by the pool, so we caught that coconut and paired it with some delectable chocolate milk to make this tantalizing paralyzer just for you.   We prefer to mix our own chocolate milk (go with Nestle Nesquick) to customize the flavor to the drink.   For this one, a little more chocolate is good; but be sure you do not overpower the coconut sensation.   

To avoid the chocolate syrup from settling on the bottom of your cup, it is best to continually mix the paralyzer throughout the duration of your drink. Or after every couple sips. We; however, had other ideas on how to stir this one. are sitting in the backyard.  You are lounging on a big comfy chair, drink in hand, feet up.  The sun is setting and the mosquitos are almost non existent. Imagine the breeze is slight as it blows through your hair and kisses your cheeks.   Imagine the peacefulness of it all.  And then that darn little Wasp-ps-ps buzzes by your head and you jump up with a slight little scream and jump off the deck.  Your drink sloshes, you attempt to take a sip while you dodge to the right because that little Wasp-ps-ps brought a friend.  You duck and your drink does a belly flop and then you jump back onto the deck.   You haven't lost any of your drink, because you truly are the paralyzer master, but you do have the urge to huck that entire glass at that little wasp-ps-ps.  It is at this point that you realize you are better than that flying b-u-g, so you put on your big girl panties and you go inside the house to enjoy this paralyzer like it was meant to be enjoyed.

Cheers!  To all those Wasp-ps-ps haters out there.  This drink is for you!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

2 Boozes gets Winey!

This week’s Booze pick is WINE! 

Wine is served in a fancy glass that is usually only half full. You swirl the glass, smell the wine and savour the flavour as it soothes your tongue. Sounds like fun! So, we decided to take our 2 Boozes research team out to the Okanagan Wine Country to find the hidden passion in wine making and discover what makes it sparkle.   

The winery that we chose to visit was the Elephant Island Orchard Wines, nestled in the vineyards near Penticton BC. That is a long way for two Saskatchewan neighbours to travel; but we did it for you. We always want to provide you with the best booze data that we can.   

Sitting in the bistro patio at Elephant Island, we swished a sparkling Pink Elephant wine and we swooshed fine Cherry Wine (enjoyed it so much that we brought a few bottles home to share with all of our friends). And then we sniffed, snorted and swallowed a few other wines made with apricots, crab apples, black cherries, grapes and whatever other fruits they had on hand.   Just like us and our paralyzer research, the wine makers continue to try new fruit pairings and make new creations all the time.   

Getting back to that research, the hidden passion is found in the fruits and the hours of labour that goes into watering, picking, squishing and pitting them.  And the thing that makes the wine sparkle, it’s all those free samples that make your eyeballs glossy.  

If you travel to the Okanagan, we recommend this winery and the Pink Elephant wine. The lovely bright pink hues carry millions of tiny bubbles that dance across the tongue.  And the favourite "pairing" to this drink is fun Fun FUN.  Sounds to me like this is the perfect comparison to our Blog, we have so many similarities to the Pink Elephant. They also say that if the pink elephants aren't dancing for you yet, pour yourself another glass (or two).  A wine after our own hearts; pink dancing elephants. Now if we could only find one that talked about monkeys that way!

Visiting the winery has inspired us to be more descriptive with our blog wording, more creative with our photos and more entertaining for you. Watch for great things to come.

A get together for us is never complete without a paralyzer, so we did finish the day off with a BBQ, and a delicious Pinnacle Whipped Vodka, Kahlua paralyzer.

Check out Elephant Island Orchard Wines
Wines to amuse and to amaze...
Expect the unexpected and prepare for a flavour voyage

Monday, 18 July 2011

Drum Roll Please....for our first official "blog" memorabilia

It's not FREE booze or a t-shirt, but it does have our name on it.   How cool is this? And no, we've never put Crown Royal in a paralyzer, nor do either of us have any in our homes; however, one day we might.    This label almost makes me want to go and buy some Crown Royal so that I can show off the label.  I might just put this on a bottle of vodka....or, it will be perfect for when we get our merchandise line and we put this on our pink flasks (perfect).

So here's our plug for Crown Royal (after all we did get three free labels).   Check out their website at and order your personalized labels today.  Like they say "Why not CROWN THE MOMENT!".   Have fun with this and tell them your awesome friends at 2Boozes sent you over.

Enjoy the Heat Wave!   And remember to go for a soda, two boozes and some milk.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Glennis' Sneak-a-lyzer

I feel a little guilty and sneaky – I had a paralyzer without Patty. We stained our deck the other night, and I figured I earned one. Our booze supply has also grown, and I’m trying to empty out some old bottles so we can fit all the new ones in the cupboard.

I dug to the back of the cupboard, looking for those few bottles that have just an ounce or two left in them. I came across a near-empty bottle of raspberry schnapps. Perfect. With the onslaught of flavoured vodkas between Patty and I, I have also been neglecting my regular vodka. So I dug for that, too.

1 oz raspberry schnapps
1 oz vodka

4 star rating

I know I’m trying to empty a few bottles so everything will fit in the booze cupboard again…but this one makes me want to go out and buy another bottle of raspberry schnapps. J

Well Glennis, if this is confession time (it's Patty on here now)...then I have to admit I have had paralyzers without you too - so take that!!   But you know what?  Usually if I have one without you, it's regular plain ol' vodka and regular plain ol' Kahlua.  Test tasting and experimenting really should be done with an assistant - just to keep it safe.   (I'm sure she must have tried to call me, but I wasn't home!!)

Now that Glennis has given this a 4 star rating I think I better try it...should have tried it before we went public with this recipe just to make sure that it was good enough for the rest of you to drink.   But I trust Glennis, we've trained together for a while now so I have full confidence that she knows a good paralyzer when she tastes one.    

So go on, you have my permission - run to the store, get some Raspberry Schnapps, make a paralyzer and be sneaky about it!

Friday, 17 June 2011

Rum & Butter Chocolate Bar

This is our dedication to Randy.   Our tastiest rumalyzer yet...take that Jacqui!!  
After numerous attempts, we have a winner and agree that you are going to like this one.  
 Remember those tasty Rum and Butter chocolate bars from when we were kids? Well, we don't think they make them any more, so we thought we would bring a little taste of history back to you with this combination.   

Have a few of these drinks, and you will be telling the finest pirate jokes in the neighborhood.    If nothing is coming to you right away, try this one out on the person closest to you...

Long ago, when sailing ships ruled the sea, this captain and his crew were always in danger of being boarded by pirates from a pirate ship.

One day while they were sailing, they saw that a pirate ship had sent a boarding party to try and board their ship. The crew  became worried, but the Captain was calm.

He bellowed to his First Mate, "Bring me my red shirt!"

The First Mate quickly got the Captain's red shirt, which the captain put on. Then he led his crew into battle against the mean pirates. Although there were some casualties among the crew, the pirates were defeated.

Later that day, the lookout screamed that there were two pirate vessels sending two boarding parties towards their ship. The crew was nervous, but the Captain,  calm as ever, bellowed, "Bring me my red shirt!" And once again the battle was on! 

The Captain and his crew fought off the boarding parties, though this time more casualties occurred.

Weary from the battles, the men sat around on deck that night recounting the day's events when an  ensign looked at the Captain and asked, "Sir, why did you call for your red shirt before the battle?"

The Captain, giving the ensign a look that only a captain can give, explained, "If I am wounded in battle, the red shirt does not show the blood, so you men will continue to fight unafraid." The men sat in silence. They were amazed at the courage of such a man.

As dawn came the next morning, the lookout screamed that there were pirate ships, 10 of them, all with boarding parties on their way. The men became silent and looked to the Captain, their leader, for his usual command.

The Captain, calm as ever, bellowed, 'Bring me my brown pants!!!

Really, you won't tell pirate jokes...but that's how Randy rolls.   And Randy, this one's for you. 

1.5 oz Butter Ripple Schnapps
.5 oz Rum
fill your glass 3/4 full with chocolate milk 
top your glass up with Coke

4 star rating

Sunday, 12 June 2011

We might just have to give this one to Jacqui

It really is true, she did create a very tasty Rumalyzer.  In fact, it may just have been the best tasting Rumalyzer that night.  Oh, but don't worry Jacqui, we will create one that is far more delicious, I mean we have to - it's what we do.   For now - the best tasting Rumalyzer award goes to Ms. ass-slapping Jacqui with this amazing combination.   

Free pour in some Kamora
Free pour in some Cruzan Black Strap Rum
add some milk
top it up with some Cola

fyi, the Kamora, Cruzan and milk were all of equal parts

Sunday, 5 June 2011

The French Kiss

To celebrate Randy on his birthday, we wanted to create a drink inspired by him.   The decision was to make it "french", hence the Creme de liquors (and Glennis' childhood love for chocolate chip ice cream).

This drink was not bad; however, Randy's second love is rum so we are still researching the perfect rum paralyzer.  Stay tuned for a Rumalyzer to come your way one sunny afternoon.  


1.5 oz Creme de Cacao
1/2 oz Creme de Menthe
fill your glass 3/4 full with milk 
top with Coke

3.5 star rating

Friday, 3 June 2011


Mango Vodka!  Now that is a new one to us.   We thought that paring Mango with another fruit like an orange, might taste pretty good.  So here it is, Triple Sec and Mango Vodka together in a paralyzer.   
Let your taste buds savor the flavor.

1/2 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz Mango Vodka
1 oz Kahulua
Fill your glass three quarters full with milk and top it up with some cola

We gave this one a 4 star rating

Friday, 27 May 2011

To Kim Mitchell with love

Tonight, we were a Wild Party (Rah Rah Ole) at the Kim Mitchell concert. We are a lot of feathers, but not much chicken when we sit under the Patio Lanterns and sing. Kim said "Be Brave, Alana loves me", so we jumped up and said "You're the lemon, I'm the Tequila - let's go dancing cuz I wanna feel ya". This was too much for us so we had to Go for a Soda...2 boozes and some milk.  The music transported us back to Rockland Wonderland, it was so much fun that we just had to Go for another Soda...2 boozes and some milk.

Try this mixture and raise your glass to Kim!  
We are still working on the perfect name for this drink.

1/2 oz tequila
1/2 oz triple sec
1 oz Kahlua
fill your glass three quarters full with milk and top with coke

4 star rating

The Tequila has an important presence, yet it does not overpower the beverage, it was easy to tame. 

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Are you Spring Cleaning?

Glennis is currently away; however, I have been told that the key to a successful blog is consistency.   So the show must go on, and today I will blog without my Editor G to review my post.  My son, will be my interim assistant and is helping with color effects and fun. 

If you read this, post a comment and let's have some fun and test Glennis - let's see how many of you will read this post before she does.  

First off, I have to tell you that I am so excited that you are reading our Blog.   Last week I received my first phone call from one of our Blog Observers asking for clarification on one of our recipes.   She loved the Vanilla Bear and the Deckalyzer paralyzers and is waiting for more awesome recipes.   If you loved them too, please post your comments and share our Blog with your friends.  

Unable to do any new research this week (because it's just not something that Glennis or I do without the other one), I have decided to share with you a recipe from my notebook.   We were not going to share this recipe with you until we could recreate it and take a photo; however, I am thinking that it is the perfect drink for this beautiful weather.    You're going to want to get out in the yard and pull some weeds, and if it rains, you will likely take that need to clean into your kitchen.  The Fruit and Nut paralyzer came about one night when we decided to clean out the booze cupboard.   You know how you get all those bottles with little bits of booze and you just don't know what to do with them....well try this one.   We were going to call it Spring Cleaning, but once you taste it, you'll know why we did not.  

Fruit and Nut          4 stars

1/2 oz Triple Sec
1 oz Apricot Brandy
1 oz Caramel Baileys
Milk (fill your class 3/4 full)
top your glass up with Coke

Yum!  This combination has a prominent nutty flavor with a hint of caramel.   It's like something you would pick out of a box of chocolates.   We amazed ourselves with this one, it is delicious.

On second thought...we decided to add a photo.  Drawn by Nash - showing just how happy we were when we drank these.  

Have a great weekend everyone!  Celebrate all those little things that make you smile, you deserve it.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

We bring in a new Jury!

Angela and Samantha set out to join us on our paralyzer adventures.    Check out the smiles...they are loving our drink combinations.   Angela is drinking a Kahlua and Blue Raspberry paralyzer - she gives it a 4 star rating.   Samantha is drinking Kahlua and Bubble  Gum Vodka and gives it a 2 star rating.

We are still working on the perfect combination with the Bubble Gum Vodka; it has such a dominant flavor that it is a difficult one to partner with. Thank you Sam for working so closely with us. More Vodka, no coke, club soda - we tried many combinations with Sam's favorite choice being 1.5 ounces vodka, milk and coke.  If you want to lessen the distinct flavour of bubble gum, you can put in an ounce of regular vodka.   

The night ended off with one of our new favorites - the Vanilla Bear paralyzer.   Angela said it was definitely better than the Blue Raspberry paralyzer she had earlier.

The Deckalyzer

Also known as the Deck Chair Analyzer!    Sip this paralyzer while you sit in the sun, and you are sure to ponder life's greatest moments.

Now that you've gone out and purchased some Vanilla Vodka because you had to try our delicious Vanilla Bear, you are going to want a few more recipes.     Our Deckalyzer is made with  1 oz Vanilla Vodka, 1 oz Baileys, Coke and Milk.    It is a smooth, creamy paralyzer that drinks quickly like chocolate milk.   If you love Baileys, you'll love this drink.

3 star rating

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Vanilla Bear

Mmmm, mmmm delicious.  
This is by far one of our most FAVORITE recipes.  It's simple, delicious and easy to make over and over. 

1 oz Vanilla Vodka
1 oz Kahlua
add milk until your glass is 3/4 full
top up with root beer
Creamy, vanilla-eee, and tastes like another.

5 star rating

Raspberry Cloud

1 oz Creme de Cacao
1 oz Raspberry Vodka
fill your glass to 3/4 full with milk
 pour in some Sprite
 and add a sploosh of Coke to enhance the flavor

   That's right, we did have two sodas in this one...getting a little crazy on you.

 2.5 star rating

Paralyzers get Blended!

Delicious! Glennis LOVES mojitos, so our very first BLENDED paralyzer was a mojitolyzer.  We started with some mint chocolate chip ice cream, blended with milk and fresh mint leaves.   Divided that between two glasses, added an ounce of rum, and ounce of Creme de Cacao to each mug and then topped them up with club soda.   Try it, you'll like it!!!  Fun for those warm sunny days.

3 star rating

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Orange Dreams

Made with our new favorite, Whipped Vodka from Pinnacle.  

1 oz Kahlua
1 oz Whipped Vodka
fill your glass 3/4 full with milk
add a sploosh of orange soda for this ultimate dream drink.  

rating of 4.5

It's been over a year since we posted this recipe...and to this day, Whipped Vodka is still one of our FAVORITES!

The White Cloud

This is the White Cloud, made with
1 oz Malibu
1 oz Creme de Cacao
fill your glass 3/4 full with milk and top with sprite

The Creme de Cacoa gives this smooth drink a hint of chocolate flavor.

Sherri likes it, and it tastes like chocolate.

4.5 star rating