We always consume paralyzers at one of our houses. We're in close proximity to all the supplies - we each have a selection of flavoured vodkas, miscellaneous other boozes, mix, and it's rare that both of us would run out of milk at the same time.
Then the house party invite came. A mutual friend was throwing a house warming party, and we were all going. We had been having a lot of fun experimenting with paralyzers, but it's not the most convenient of drink choices when you have to haul all the ingredients to another location. We tossed around a few ideas - do we just take the easy route and go with beer? Maybe join the guys in their rum and cokes? No, we couldn't. We're the paralyzer girls!
We reviewed the stock in our booze cupboards. See, on a typical paralyzer night, we never drink the same kind twice. So as we didn't want to haul a ton of bottles to our friends house, we thought we should keep it simple and stick to one. We hit the Liquor Board Store. Oh, the glorious supply of colourful bottles on the shelf. It was overwhelming, it was exciting, it was too much for a house party. To keep it simple, and after a long debate we settled on...Black Russian.
Patty has a bad history with a Black Russian (well several) at a friends wedding and warned Glennis that "it's gonna make you sick". However, as that experience was several years ago - Patty thought it would be fun to try it again, just to make sure it was the Black Russian. Glennis agreed!!
Fast Forward 8 hours. Black Russian is definitely easier to mix than a true paralyzer, but doesn't go down as smooth...well it starts to after you have had a couple. By the end of the night, Patty was making paralyzers for imaginary friends and Glennis was hugging the porcelain potty. ***NOTE that Glennis does not get SICK, she does not get HANG OVERS!!! This was her first ever, in her life, hangover! Oh, and Patty (who usually does get sick) was not sick!
Lessons learned:
- we should invest in a booze carrying case, no more worrying about hauling too many bottles anywhere
- Black Russian is the devil, it broke the unbreakable
- never take more than five minutes browsing booze in the booze store
- Listen to your heart