Saturday, 29 December 2012

It's your Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to Booze #1, this post is dedicated to you.

We have before us, a paralyzer made with UV Chocolate Cake vodka, Kahlua, coke and milk.
We give this 4 stars and two thumbs up.

Gathered around, our glasses are raised and we toast you:
*your boobs
*you have a hot ass
* your cookies
*you smell good, really good
*you are the bestest neighbor EVER
*Gogol bordello
*I want to be your neighbor
*fabulous Mother
*You're a unitard! Oh no wait, that wasn't for you, that was just a random quote from the night.

Ah G, that's what happens when we let the men help us write our posts...I'm so sorry for that.   
They have a one track mind.  
Now in all sincerity, let's try again.   
A toast to G on her birthday.   
I know your day was filled with great times, fabulous friends and lots of laughter,
 and I am very happy that I was part of your day.   
Thank you for all that you do for everyone in your life, you are amazing! 
 Cheers to you on your day, and cheers to many more birthdays ahead.

And now I ask all of our trusty followers, please comment and share with G on her Birthday what you love most about her. Tell her which is your favorite blog post or your favorite booze, and show G some love.