Thursday, 31 May 2012

Girlfriend in a coma

1 oz imported premium Blavod (black vodka)
1 oz fragoli

4 star rating

This delicate vodka has no flavor, only an immense color, it is better than hair dye. Pair this with Fragoli and you will be pleasantly surprised with great berries.  This is not the cure, this is the Smiths.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

The s'more-a-lyzer

3/4 ounce chocolate liqueur
3/4 ounce fluffed marshmallow vodka
1tsp Goldschlager
pour in some Kahlua

Mix to taste, and continue to add s'more of any of the above in any combination until it tastes like a s'more and takes you back to the campground. If you need to try this a few times, that is acceptable - it's always difficult to find that "perfect" chocolate bar. 

If you have ever had a marshmallow shooter at the campfire, you will find this drink better than that, if you have never had a marshmallow shooter.....don't try them (Patty almost ended her paralyzer career...ask her some time).

A real s'more is complicated to piece together and is quite the challenge to eat without getting marshmallow stuck in your hair or all over your fingers.  The only challenge with this drink is making it last.

The fluffed marshmallow is a delectable vodka that will disappear quickly....mmmm perhaps we should try this  in a cup of hot cocoa?